Simple Rate Program Cash Discount Program Wholesale Pass Through Pricing
  • 3% + 0.10 cents/transaction
  • No other fees*
  • Free Clover Go
  • You pay 0% + 0.00 cent/transaction*
  • Customer pays the fee of 2.5%-3.5% Only*
  • 00/month
  • Get free equiqment

* Depends upon industry type: 2.5% for nail salons and most Retail, 3.0% for Dine-in restaurants, Liquor Stores & Some retail, 3.5% for fast food and boba shops & small ticket retail.

  • Pay wholesale just like the big vendor like Walmart, Mcdonals, BestBuy…
  • Rate as low as 0.05%* + wholesale passed through (link to Visa, Master Card wholesale)
  • You pay COST!! 0.04 cents/transaction
  • Statement fee cost $15.00/month.

* Visa: click here

* Master Card: click here